Media Player Configuration
The configuration can be changed during the setup of the Media Player or it can be changed manually by editing the config.ini
- broker ip addressport
- broker portkeepalive_mqtt
- mqtt client keepalive delay (causes problems if greater or equal to 60)username
- broker username (credentials)password
- broker password (credentials)name
- name that the monitor will appear as in the systemregister_topic
- topic used to send registration messagetransport
- mqtt transport method (options are 'tcp' or 'websockets')keepalive_logs_delay
- delay between keepalive log messages (see message protocol)keepalive_logs_topic
- topic to send the keepalive log messages
- template to be used when no rule is being displayedsavings_mode
- attemt to blank screen when no rule is being displayed (please see here before using it)
- file to store the log messageslog_level
- logging level (options are 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')
Savings Mode
If this active, when no rules are being displayed, it calls xset dpms force off
to blank the screen. This might not work on some screens and it also does not working if the screen blanking is turned off in the raspberry pi. More info here.